MICOA's Visit to M Stars Hub

MICOA's Visit to M Stars Hub

The Association's 2021 plan includes defining the direction of collaborating with and supporting information and telecommunications startup companies. As part of the initiative, the team met with MCS Ventures to learn about their MStars Hub accelerator program.

Discussions held on a draft of the Housing Law

Discussions held on a draft of the Housing Law

During the meeting, the members discussed how the draft legislation regulates construction engineering across all infrastructure sectors and how it impacts the issues encountered in the construction of information and communication networks.

69.6% of proposed amendments were reflected in the Digital Development Laws

69.6% of proposed amendments were reflected in the Digital Development Laws

MICOA working group proposed 44 amendments to the Personal Data Protection law, 28 (63.6%) of which were accepted. 18 amendments were proposed to the Public Information Transparency, of which 15 (83.3%) were accepted. Six amendments were proposed to the Digital Signature Law, and five were accepted. And lastly, 24 amendments were proposed to the Cyber Security law, of which 15 (66.3%) were accepted.

MICOA conducted a morning meeting on the topic of waste disposal management

MICOA conducted a morning meeting on the topic of waste disposal management

Participants also discussed their current environmental initiatives. This includes Mobicom Corporation's use of recycled plastic for its cable marking poles and Unitel Data Centers' collaboration with Ungu Nem on a waste sorting project.  

181 governmental services shall be introduced online

181 governmental services shall be introduced online

181 governmental services shall be introduced online

Met Chairman of Communication and Information Technology Authority

Met Chairman of Communication and Information Technology Authority

Met Chairman of Communication and Information Technology Authority


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