The Association shall have the following two membership statuses:
- Member
- Associate member
A member shall be a legal entity that has voluntarily expressed its will to join the Association by accepting the Association’s vision, values, common goals and principle activities; possesses ICT licensees, registered in Mongolia, with a substantial presence in the ICT sector by having an annual revenue exceeding 10 billion tugrugs and has been granted with consensus votes of founders.
The Association’s membership procedure shall be adopted by the Steering council meeting.
A member has the following rights: be entitled for protection of its interests, Nominate its member to the Steering board, Submit its concerned matter to the Steering board for consideration and discussion, Promote the Association’s activities and projects, and donate contribution, Take part in any activities organized by the Association at the head with preferred promotions, Be entitled to publicize its activity information on the Association’s public releases and website, through this opportunity, communicate with other organizations and customers, and advertise its business domestically and internationally, Access to detailed information on policies and activities of the Association and require the Board and Executive director to provide reports;
Associate members shall be legal entities such as ICT service providers, manufacturers, suppliers and their representative offices or the sector’s professional alliances or unions that have voluntarily expressed their wills to join the Association by accepting the Association’s vision, values, common goals and principle activities.
An associate member has the following rights: be entitled for protection of its interests, Submit its proposal to the Steering council for consideration and discussion by the Steering council’s meeting, Promote activities and projects by the Association and donate contribution, Participate in activities of the Association with promotions, Be entitled to publicize its activity information on the Association’s public releases and website, through this opportunity, communicate with other organizations and customers, and advertise its business domestically and internationally, Access to information on policies and activities of the Association.







Associate member